Tzfat (Safed, Tsfat, Zefat) Websites
Find places to stay, and things to do in Tzfat
Top Tzfat website:
Here's another:
Top Tzfat website:
Here's another:
Not to be missed: Ascent of Safed
Kupat Cholim English Portals
The Shira Pransky project is doing much to help the English speakers of Israel to be able to tap into resources relating to health. Click here to go to portals for all the kupot cholim in English
For more information for English speaking patients bookmark the website:
For more information for English speaking patients bookmark the website:
Earthquake Preparedness
While it's been a hundred years since the last earthquake, tremors can certainly be felt in Tzfat. It is a good to be prepared for any natural or manmade disaster. Here's a link to the FEMA website (from the US in English!)
Learn Hebrew Phrases with Audio!!
(as posted on a Nefesh b'Nefesh list)
Learn Hebrew Phrases with Audio
Jacob Richman launched a new website called:
Learn Hebrew Phrases with Audio
Learn Hebrew Phrases with Audio is a free, on-line, educational
resource to learn Hebrew phrases and sentences.
The flash site incorporates 54 topics with 2,000 Hebrew phrases
and sentences. The Hebrew phrases are presented as an images
with nikud [vowels]. There are English translations and
transliterations. The high quality audio was created in a
sound studio. The site includes 152 Hebrew study sheets
for learning offline.
Both the student and the teacher will find the site easy to use
and very educational. As mentioned, the site is free to all.
Learn Hebrew Phrases with Audio
Jacob Richman launched a new website called:
Learn Hebrew Phrases with Audio
Learn Hebrew Phrases with Audio is a free, on-line, educational
resource to learn Hebrew phrases and sentences.
The flash site incorporates 54 topics with 2,000 Hebrew phrases
and sentences. The Hebrew phrases are presented as an images
with nikud [vowels]. There are English translations and
transliterations. The high quality audio was created in a
sound studio. The site includes 152 Hebrew study sheets
for learning offline.
Both the student and the teacher will find the site easy to use
and very educational. As mentioned, the site is free to all.