Thank you Hashem for the rain, do you have the name and number of a good roofer that can fix all these leaks ? Only in Israel do we praise Hashem for leaks in our home. Because we recognize that it is much more important for us to have rain than for us to have a perfect house that does not leak. And after all it is Hashems world and somehow a few little leaks feels human and real and OK. At least that is my attitude, and when my wife complains about water leaking i try to convince her. Besides in a few short months the rain will be over.
Real estate in Tzfas is going crazy. It seems that prices are continuing upward. Every month the cheapest properties seem to be 5000 sheckels more than the same thing last month. What is happening? Young charedi couples who cannot afford Jerusalem or Bnei Brak are certainly part of the reason. Safed has been the most affordable religious city in Israell for generations. There are many new building projects planned for Tzfat, lets see how many of those actually happen. And will they create more supply bringing down prices, or more frenzied buyers trying to get in while they can still afford to.
OK here is my nuts and bolts handyman tip for you. Buy a can of that spray insulation stuff that comes out gooy and fits into small places. But you only get one time to use it , because the tip gets all clogged up and it is difficult to re-use later even if some is left in the can. Next go around your house and make an actual written list of all the places you would like to stop mostly cold air from coming inside . It is not the greatest waterproofing. Then wait a day or two until everything is very dry and low humidity in the air. Clean the areas with a damp cloth before using the goo, and have fun because it is some pretty fun stuff really. Do not get it on your skin or clothes because nothing takes it off.
Then buy 1 tube of silicon caulk, and do the same project with all the small water leaks you want to go away. Silicon you can yes use over and again many times without much problem so a tube could last a year or more.
Have a warm and cozy, Tu B'shevat. B'H all of our trees are getting all the moisture they need for a happy healthy productive year.